Télécharger Rihanna 777 Documentary...7Countries7Days7Shows ou voir streaming

 Rihanna 777 Documentary...7Countries7Days7Shows en streaming ou téléchargement
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Résumé: The concept: 150 journalists, 50 diehard fans and Rihanna, all boarding the same 777 plane for seven shows in seven countries in just seven days.The goal: to celebrate the release of ‘Unapologetic’ – Rihanna’s seventh album in seven years – as well as achieve an unprecedented milestone in rock ‘n’ roll history. The result: exhilaration, excess, exhaustion, streaking journalists, screaming fans and contagious hysteria not seen on the live circuit in decades.‘Rihanna 777’ is the ultimate, uncut...

Rihanna 777 Documentary...7Countries7Days7Shows Streaming