Liste des épisodes à télécharger légalement
Voyages au fond des mers Episode 2 (La bactérie des abysses)
Date de diffusion: : 17 Août 2010L'Orpheus est enfin réparé et prêt à retourner à bon port, lorsque les membres de l'équipage sont trahis par Zubov, le capitaine russe. A l'exception de Svetlana, Vincent et Raymond, ils parviennent à s'échapper de justesse, mais...
Voyages au fond des mers Episode 1 (Plongée en eaux troubles)
Date de diffusion: : 03 Août 2010Le sous-marin Orpheus est en mission pour trouver de nouvelles ressources énergétiques dans la zone d'extraction du récif de Lomonosov. L'équipe de scientifiques à bord suit les traces d'une précédente expédition, qui s'était...
The Deep, Series 1 Episode 5 (The Last Breath)
Date de diffusion: : 31 Août 2010The Orpheus crew have found rare bio fuels in the ocean depths, but they must find a way of getting it to the surface safely. With the Russian captain of the Volos submarine determined to stop them, will they manage to stabilise the...
The Deep, Series 1 Episode 4 (Everything Put Together Falls Apart)
Date de diffusion: : 24 Août 2010The Orpheus is mended, and the captain wants the crew to find more of the rare bio-fuel samples before they return to the surface. The Russian captain has other ideas, however, and instructs his men to kill the crew. In their struggle to...
The Deep, Series 1 Episode 3 (Ghosts of the Deep)
Date de diffusion: : 17 Août 2010The crew are trapped on Volos, a Russian submarine, and its nuclear reactor is dangerously overheating. Whoever shuts it down will be exposed to lethal radiation. Who will draw the short straw? Meanwhile Clem is determined to find out...
The Deep, Series 1 Episode 2 (Into the Belly of the Beast)
Date de diffusion: : 10 Août 2010The crew are in severe danger; one member has died, the Orpheus has been intercepted and two of them are trapped and running out of air. They have to escape, but can they risk boarding the mysterious vessel which looms above them?
The Deep, Series 1 Episode 1 (To the Furthest Place)
Date de diffusion: : 03 Août 2010The Orpheus' team of scientists are on a mission to find a renewable source of energy in the depths of the Arctic Ocean. The last team who went died in mysterious circumstances, so the Orpheus crew are already feeling nervous when a...